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Homeless Digital Youth in Trouble

 Charles Thompson, 41,("California") is from zonefileyouth.com. Zonefileyouth.com is about my struggles, here at mixed.cam where I mix them up for therapeutic reasons. I got my camera permission and happiness arises from doing the code yourself. I have been homeless through IRC practically, seeing all the piracy areas and exclusive hacking FIENDS that we were as fools trying to attack ccTLDs.  I have gone and seen the consequences of minors and internet, it isn't the first time trouble has abrewed. With my 🌐 worldwide takedown 🎓 on these nations I represent the highest most educated GED publish. 

I am the following fellows that made an era involving Solar Designer, creator of the "return to libc attack" in common Linux libraries. I had fun compiling bundles with UCF NFO generator, or the United Cracking Force were involved with me, via EFNet IRC when I was a kid. I think the "intromaker" kit was a Borland compiled ASM generator for .com files. They motivated me enough future to learn base-16 numbers (hexidecimal to and from decimal) out of possibilities. Think now, I had the fun and freedom of a great feeling being the one that got on a versions.txt by panasync, the creator of BitchX(.com). I don't use that client any more, and I think it does support SSL by now. 

It is years-passed in the way 🗺  but, that I bring you lastest thing, mixed.cam. A sensation, about the very passions for great music and new discoveries. In computers enough to mark a completion to make myself stronger. I saw vultures eating gophers at Atascedero State Hospital, the very same thing. I find dead things in an internet wasteland. 

So attempts at trying a college for code hadn't worked well. I carried freshman composition with me, so that I may write good pieces of art work  that my old scraps from notebook studies. for this site's best wish, may I go to school or learn DevOps through a training for only $1700? I'm not sure yet. 

So more panasync and me, kinesis ("goat"), the "nicked one" of his BitchX IRC client for breaking holes in his fix_color_ascii() function using only randomness and spontaneity. That very spontaneity is I have is a hidden remark of distinctness.  Napster never knew me but left me in his DNS spoof along side his girlfriend. IRC had a napster :) We were there.

One thing LONG forgotten was the exploit for Solaris called ./wow. I also had an exploit trusted to me that could hard reboot Windows 98 machines. These were fun times and I'd like to go to DEFCON to represent the history and heritage of ex-internet infrastructure "crackers" such as myself. 🧺 Buy THC-9 Gummies to find a slight intoxication

Getting motivated to learning the ins/outs of  hexidecimal conversion computer's math and Python regular expression.

✅ digitalpipelines.com PCI Compliance Adult-- https://www.linkedin.com/in/zonefileyouth - and that's not the first box I've had root on. I also had to fix a SCO UNIXWare server's tape backup feature at a tire shop, Performance Tire. Imagine this hustler getting the systems work. I worked for a builder doing his network and Macintosh purchases. I was like a cash guide for him through San Diego. He paid really well. Goodbye and good night.


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What is Zone File Youth?

The family and startup company that sent me mindlessly on my way to Palo Alto (Peninsula of the Bay Area) and Stanford consisted of step-aunt and step-uncle's status of affilation. They were elite pharmaceutical board members and million dollar investors of acadamia (namely Ohio State University). My IMDB featured-aunt was the founder of Illumination Entertainment (of the Minions or "Secret Life of Pets, both in theaters), and a step-uncle that was Stanford affiliated.

What Brought Him to Town (Atherton, CA)

Then, after I left a CityDrinker in 2018 to find that Palantir,   saw me a security threat after a hysterical character-threat. The Palantir mafia attacked me with restraining orders and I had to fight a felony charge they accused me of. That did not hurt as much as it looks.

I am now the 41 year old of my Regeneron/Illumination/Ohio State University generousity within a childhood estate, raging over it as a millennial that had practiced hacking 11 🌐 ccTLD names at. I  knew the background on backdoors and had  root on my own 'ns.uz'. That was childhood, the year range was 1998-2001, and now it is 2024. I'm proud to be the owner of sleeves.tv by the way of Mixed.cam!

For Those Who Stop By 🌐

Thank you for coming. But those I don't know, I lived on the street of Palo Alto/Mountain View Castro St. for over a decade. I never found myself in the wrong place.  If you have never heard of me, this is the perfect place to learn about me or associate ways I provide with your own desires to collaborate.

The case for Stanford undergrad continues, it is in at a next-chapter phase. I got my ban lifted for medical care by contacting the Provost of Stanford. Stanford Health was an awesome experience, as I'm currently roping for opportunity after a personal emergency (experience with the County Public Guardian). For the potential employment by Snowflake.com's advertised attraction targeted for software developers I have made myself known by commenting I want "Python Linux DevOps". I see it as an advantage to go to Snowflake because I like Redwood City. I want to get the bicycle from the bicycle shop near the Caltrain station. There are numerous colors but only one suits my canvas of represent. 🎓 accomplishing a GED is possible 🚏

If you like more I apply myself document about personal advantage and a suit to taste. I wish for all involved to I don't have a GED 📚 correlate maybe we could trade AI chat "femdolls" on Linkly.


Else? 🛅

Finish learning about me by 👉🏻 Chuck at Redwood (mixed.cam) 🔥 : Don't miss me at My Personal Blog/Vlog 🎯 (mixed.cam), a new blog post is in that area that adds a touch to what I am representing here. The site's Hands-on "In the Wild" section is about personal pursuits, mainly technology. Welcome! 





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🥷🖍📸🎞📀🌴 Note: I didn’t know you could get high off these Delta-9 THC gummies until a friend told me. Now I’m a believer.

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How is Life at Cordilleras?

Hey all, this is Charles Thompson from ZFY: "Mixed" Systems. I wanted to update my audience about what's going on. So far I've obtained more minimal of camera feature which I've found in the Pixel 5 phone auxiliary that I've approached content with. I am winding down on TikTok for content purposes here on out. Although its purpose wont be forgotten, TikTok your legal hassle got me into feeling un-American so I go to Youtube plus Instagram and its fun being an American 🇺🇸.

... Future plans of ZFY, and moving forward?

To fix embedded ideas into to what you are writing is the elementalism of proper Python code. Letting the suggestion take me forth, so to speak ,would arise in a multitude of world governments firing rifles of military majesty. So in this situation, being the DNS hacker, but not wanting fear, I've opened up to ns.gov.uz to see if I could have a root password so I could  be a sys admin, again.

Part of what was fear antics by British Broadcasting Corporation involving the ".IE" (Connect Ireland) name was so long ago, but I wanted to see if I could get my hands on again with some of these majestic DNS zone entries done in their Linux BIND zone file configuration.

in with IN THE WILD (a "World Hacker Prestige" Exclusive)


So far my movement with Mixed Systems will be temporary but I might rename the "zonefileyouth.com" site to it exclusively. Renaming my entire blog/site is not a difficult operation but I have to shut the site down. To ya'll that wanted to know me, I'm Charles Thompson the sitemaster. I edit the video, am backed with entry to Internet Systems, provided with an A+ at a Junior College. You should catch up on me to find to my latest representation of skills/experience to catch a job. For this you can visit "IN THE WILD" 👆🔥 

For Python and zsh/bash scripting I deliver to the hands of this the best of Linux and virtualization concepts through the dazzle that can only be produced by having conscious-absorbed second-hand use of instructions provided within manuals per practical function uses on case-by-case basis that you could envision at a corporation. If your commercial need wants to see my resume for CityDrinker, let me know.



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Zoneileyouth.com is my website. Welcome. I'm really happy to have it I've been doing good here with Cordilleras! I have a phone accessory with Google Keep and Notes, a Pixel 5 Google phone, plus I'm living and I have an outdoors to experience. This weekend the staff is to take me for a trip 🐀 doing outdoor hiking trails. I'm told I can go on a "nature walk" through the countryside nearby, so I'll be vlogging a little about that. Finally bridging the gap to what's outside. I think, therefore bringing the nature of Cordilleras and that institution feel that you thirst for. I like that it has respect for and offers for the needs to go wander on a trail. If you are curious, liken comments to "what is Cordilleras, or why are you there?" 
Since I own bye.cam I have been happy about greeting online. domain name names and their specific appeal can be cool to own. This short specific name is good because it's short. It does awesome vanity and as it means farewell, or 'ciao' to anyone communicating quickly and efficiently in English, there is good potential for use. So is that t-shirt name "Sleeves.TV" 🎽. I got more names than I need. I like the sleeves, this one, the .TV I use on Tiktok to label.. It is a competitive name, I discovered, this on as "sleeves.pro" (not my name) that was on the whois database for "name taken" I think I'm well off for TikTok or YouTube. Sleeves.TV can win 🎲.